She soon found that she had made a bad bargain. 她不久便发现自己做了一笔不上算的生意。
This isn't what I wanted at all, but I must make the best of a bad bargain. 这根本不是我想要的,但是我必须随遇而安。
The old car is a bad bargain at any price. 这部旧汽车卖什么价都要赔本。
This material body is actually a bad bargain because it is prone to suffer, but we must make the best use of this bad bargain. 物质的躯体并不是什么宝贝,因为它无时无刻不体验着痛苦,但我们仍该充分利用好这具皮囊。
No way will I get involved with those dubious property deals. a bad [ losing] bargain 我将决不参与那些无把握的地产买卖。买得贵,不合算的买卖
He decided to make the best of a bad bargain and borrow the money from the company. 他为了力图挽回逆境而不惜向这个公司借钱。
If this is the implicit trade-off, it is a strikingly bad bargain. 如果这是一种没有明说的交换,那么这个交换也太不划算了。
He makes the best of a bad bargain under adversity. 他在困境中逆来顺受。
That would also depend on the continuation of the bad old bargain: repression as the price for stability in oil supply. 这也将取决于那个古老的糟糕契约的继续:压迫是石油供应稳定的代价。
In many ways it was a bad bargain. 就许多方面而言,这是一笔不合算的交易。